We wanted to take a moment to share with you that we are on a learning journey when it comes to antiracism education. We want to continue to learn, to grow, and to act so we can better serve our students and families. We have been so blessed to be connected with two amazing educators, Traci Browder (@TraciBrowder) and Dawn Harris (@DHarrisEdS) who have graciously offered to lead us on this journey.
Beginning tomorrow, we will be shifting the focus and structure of our weekly Twitter chats to a series of conversations designed to engage all of us in the critical work we need to do to dismantle systemic racism in our classrooms and schools. Traci and Dawn will serve as the facilitators of this Leading by Learning series – we are so moved by the work they are doing to support our learning and growth. We hope you will join us in learning from them.
We would like to introduce you to Traci and Dawn and the new direction for #LeadLAP via the video HERE. Thank you so much, Traci and Dawn!
We hope that you can join us tomorrow from 9:30-10:30am CT on Twitter to continue this conversation.
Thank you for your commitment to being the change!
Much love,
Shelley and Beth