Launching the #LeadLAP chat


This blog is dedicated to the amazing educators we are blessed to interact with every week in the #LeadLAP and #satchatwc

Several years ago, I was honored to become connected with Scott Rocco @ScottRRooco, Brad Currie @BradMCurrie and Billy Krakower @Wkrakower They were sharing great things on Twitter and running an inspiring chat (#satchat) on Twitter on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am EST… it’s awesome and if you ever get the chance to participate, please do!

Unfortunately, that 7:30 am EST time was a challenge for this west coast girl, so with Brad, Billy and Scott’s encouragement the #satchatwc hashtag was born and the west coast chats started to run every Saturday at 7:30 am PST.  What a blast it has been – thanks to YOU and all the other participants who have made #satchatwc a vibrant place for us to share ideas and refine our thinking about what works in schools.

Over the years I have had a variety of wonderful co-moderators for the chat and about a year and a half ago when Beth and I were working together on #LeadLAP I asked her to join me in the moderation of #satchatwc and she graciously agreed.

Since our book, Lead Like a PIRATE has been released, the #LeadLAP hashtag has emerged and that, too, has become a dynamic community where educators are sharing ways that they are making school amazing for students and staff.

We have had several requests to start a weekly #LeadLAP chat on Twitter, and what we realized over the last several weeks as the #LeadLAP book study was taking place during the #satchatwc chat time is that these two communities have really blended together to become one powerful, inspirational and energized group of educators committed to making a difference in our classrooms and our schools.

So starting this week on Saturday, August 5th we will no longer be using #satchatwc to host our weekly Saturday morning chats… we will use #LeadLAP instead, and we hope you will join us!  Our chat will continue to focus on the idea that we can lead and make positive change from any position in our school systems. Leadership is not about a title, it is a way of thinking and acting.

To kick us off, we have an incredible chat for you this Saturday from a student leader!  Isaiah Sterling (@isterlingn) will guide us in a chat on the importance of student voice and push our thinking on ways we can incorporate more student leadership in our schools.

Isaiah is a junior at Cape Central High School in Cape Girardeau MO. He strives to give educators the student view they don’t always get on an everyday basis. Check out his blog here: and please join us as he hosts the #LeadLAP chat on August 5th at 7:30 am PST.  If you haven’t met Isaiah yet, you will be inspired by this young man’s voice and perspective and what he can help us learn as educators.

So with much appreciation and gratitude to all of you who have contributed so much to the #satchatwc and #LeadLAP communities we are excited to launch our first official #LeadLAP chat this Saturday, and we personally invite you to join us!! You have so much AWESOMENESS to share, and we can’t wait to hear all about it.