Category Archives for "Culture"

Test Scores Do Not Define You!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of leading a three hour Lead Like a PIRATE master class at #TEPSAstrong with 150 amazing Texas administrators. About halfway through the session it was evident that something was going on… just about everyone in the room was on their phone or frantically typing on their laptop.

As we moved into a break, one of the participants shared with me that the State test scores had been released. The anxiety was noticeable and now I knew why.

We had just spent the first part of our morning talking about the mighty purpose of being an educator. We had reconnected with our passions and discussed the types of schools we wanted to create for our students and communities. We reconnected with the need to build strong cultures in our schools grounded in high quality learning, positive relationships, and even a little bit of fun. We had realized the need to seek out and nurture the greatness in the people we work with and use that to help propel them forward. We talked about the types of things we wanted to do to make schools AMAZING for students and staff, They were with me!

…until the scores came in.

The whole dynamic in the room changed as Every. Single. Person. in that room agonized over what they would see when they clicked that button to see their scores.

For some the click brought a sense of relief and for others an overwhelming feeling of dread. What I watched happen to this dedicated, passionate group of school and district leaders in the span of about fifteen minutes was heartbreaking, and so, so unhealthy

A couple of women were in tears. I heard another describe herself as a failure. Many people struggling with what they were going to say to their staff, and another was now stressed about the calendar invite that her superintendent sent calling her to a meeting next week.

This was not okay! We have to do better!

Is it reasonable to take a look at your test scores and be concerned about a particular area of learning? Of course it is. Can you look at your test scores to help you identify additional areas of focus as you refine your plans for next year? Sure! Could there be a little red flag that makes you want more information? Absolutely.  State test scores are a source of data for us, and we should treat them as such.

The test scores are what they are. One data point of many that you should use wisely and appropriately as you make plans to be even better next year than you were last.  

Test scores, though, DO NOT mean you are a failure.

They do not mean that your school is a failure or that your teachers are or that your students are.

Test scores do not tell the whole story about the type of leader you are, and they DO NOT measure your effectiveness.

They are not an indication of the culture you have shaped or the relationships you have built.

Test scores do not reflect the competence of the teachers in your school.

They do not tell the learning story for each child in your school.

They do not take into account the breakfast program you have started to make sure every child gets a meal at the start of the day or the family resources and services you have provided for your community or the sharp decline in bullying because of the culture of kindness you have built

Your test scores DO NOT define you. They do not define your teachers, your school or your students. You and your school are so much more than a test score. Do NOT make the mistake of letting your test scores be your only guide.

Do NOT beat yourself up.

Do NOT beat your teachers up.

Do not make excuses.

Do not blame your kids.

Do not blame your parents.

Do not blame your community or your demographics.

Do not blame yourself.

Acknowledge and own that there may be room to grow, but also remind yourself, your staff, your students, your community of the GREAT work you did this year and the things you have accomplished.

Let your passion for this great work of being an educator guide you. Work hard to build a positive culture grounded in incredible learning experiences. Cultivate creativity, cherish curiosity, and go be AMAZING for your students and staff.


Hold your head up HIGH!

Take pride in your school and what YOU have accomplished.

Be proud of your team for the work they do to bring their best for kids every day.

Do it for your kids.

Do it for your staff.

Do it for your community.

Do it for YOU.

Lead Like a PIRATE!

You’ve got this!