3 Goals of ANCHOR Conversations

In what ways might we change the culture of a school system? One sure way to make a positive shift is through ANCHOR conversations. ANCHOR conversations at their core start with us and our own mindset shifts for how we engage people in conversations and provide people with feedback. ANCHOR conversations represent a shift away from a judgmental,”fix-it” mentality we sometimes have as leaders toward a mentality that notices people’s strengths and commits to building off those strengths.

Over the next several weeks, we will dive more deeply into ANCHOR, but before we do, let’s consider three goals we have as we enter into conversations with our staff. They are the heart of the ANCHOR conversation framework. It is critical to understand these goals and to keep them front and center because they will help you build the kind of positive culture we advocate for in schools and school systems.

Goal 1

I want each individual to walk away from a conversation with me knowing they are valued for the work they do day in and day out to impact our students’ lives.

Goal 2

I want my team member to walk away from the conversation believing  I added value. 

I want the conversation to matter and make a difference. That means I have to be a resource, a partner, someone who knows a lot about teaching and learning and who has good ideas to share. I want people to feel heard and energized, not judged. I want them to leave a conversation with feeling like it was worth it, rather than a waste of time!

Goal 3

I want my conversations with to push practice forward.

If a person leaves the conversation excited about what we talked about and anxious to try out one of those ideas or practices tomorrow or next week—mission accomplished! Coaching conversations should lead to implementation. Inspiration is great, but as Dave says, “Inspiration without implementation is a waste.” To make an impact and create change, our conversations have to be more than just about building positive relationships; they have to influence and push practice forward.


Understanding the needs of the adults in your system is essential to creating a culture where staff, not just students, are running to get in the doors. Keeping these three goals front and center in our conversations is a powerful way to  ensure your conversations have maximum impact.

Join us for the weekly #LeadLAP Twitter chat on Saturdays at 9:30 AM CT. We will be discussing ANCHOR conversations for eight weeks during March-April 2022.

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